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Saints' photographers exploring a new venture

Travis PerkinsSponsored by Travis Perkins

Saints' photographers, Claire Jones and Andy Taylor, have undertaken a new challenge this season in the shape of a photography blog.

Tracking the Saints' progress through the season, Claire and Andy will be posting a selection of their photos from each game as well as other shots they collect throughout the season onto their new photography blog.

Now having shot Saints' games for 10 years, the blog is the brainchild of the usually red hat-clad Claire, who wanted to make her snaps, that she sells for local charities Niamh's Next Step and the Leon Barwell Foundation as well as teaming up with Day 5 Testimonial this year, more accessible to the Franklin's Faithful and hopes that those who currently miss her photos on social media will enjoy the blog instead.

Their most recent post includes shots from Saints' win over Bath on Friday night, so be sure to support their new venture by visiting the blog HERE.

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